Ein würdevolles Leben für indische Hunde! A dignified life for Indian dogs!
Alltägliches Leben eines
indischen Straßenhundes
Daily life of an Indian stray dog
They call me "Beast"
Whenever I look at people,
I feel just threatened by their hands,
But all my eyes ask for is help,
Which no one ever understands.
I have a family to care for,
And all I am is skin and bones,
Been running around for days now,
But all they throw to me are stones.
By the time I got back home,
There was a deafening deadly silence,
And then I saw them – asleep forever,
And I knew it was their violence.
From now on I walk alone,
Since there is no one left with me,
Humiliation walks just by my side,
And loneliness keeps me company.
All my life they called me “Beast”,
They took my entire world away,
They keep on throwing stones to me,
They destroyed my home to stay.
If I am a beast, I am sure that
“Devil in person” must be their name,
As for the suffering of our earth,
They are the only ones to blame.
While walking along the dusty roads
- Humiliation always at my left –
My eyes don’t ask for help any more,
Still no one seems to care for me,
And I keep quiet to myself,
I live forever – lonely and free.
I found my peaceful company
- Silvana Kushwaha-
Do not walk away - do not close your eyes!